You’re a mother, holding this perfect and tiny human being in your arms, that you nurtured and grew for 9 months. Not a drop of alcohol passed your lips, nor a single headache pill. You were pregnant, so the doctors told you not to even take an asprin. You spent the months taking your vitamins, avoiding smokey atmospheres and worrying about traffic fumes.
Yet when your baby is 8 weeks old, barely bigger than he was as a foetus inside you, you will be expected to consent to him being injected with 8 different viruses and bacteria and a cocktail of different chemicals and solvents in order to ‘protect’ him from disease and secure his health.
By the time he is 13 months old, he will have been given 50 vaccines (51 when they introduce chickenpox vaccine). This is because the number of injections is not the same as the number of vaccines, for instance, MMR is one jab but three vaccines for measles, mumps and rubella. Prevnar is one jab but seven vaccines for seven types of pneumonia.
Here is the 2008 UK Vaccination Schedule:
2 Months: DTAP/HIB/IPV (tetanus toxoid, diphtheria toxoid, pertussis bacteria, Hib bacteria, 3 polio viruses), Prevnar (7 types of pneumonia) = 15 different viruses or bacteria.
3 Months: DTAP/HIB/IPV (tetanus toxoid, diphtheria toxoid, pertussis bacteria, hib bacteria, 3 polio viruses), Meningitis C (1 meningitis C bacteria) = 8 different viruses or bacteria.
4 Months: DTAP/HIB/IPV (tetanus toxoid, diphtheria toxoid, pertussis bacteria, hib bacteria, 3 polio viruses), Meningitis C (1 meningitis C bacteria), Prevnar (7 types of pneumonia) = 15 viruses or bacteria.
12 months: Hib vaccine (hib bacteria), Meningitis C (meningitis C bacteria) = 2 bacterium.
13 Months: MMR (measles, mumps and rubella viruses), Prevnar (7 types of pneumonia) = 10 viruses or bacteria.
(Source for Schedule: (schedule correct at January 2009).
So what exactly is in the vaccines they want to give your child? When I was a young and inexperienced first time mother, I thought maybe they just contained the germs they ‘immunise’ against and maybe a little water mixed in. Some probing at a medical library revealed that all vaccines are in fact, a toxic blend of chemicals, metals and human or animal blood products.
Here I will explain which vaccines will be offered to your child, what they are composed of and the affects of those ingredients on the body.
This injection is given at 2, 3 and 4 months of age and is for vaccination against Diphtheria, Tetanus, acellular (half-cell) Pertussis, 3 types of Polio virus, and Haemophilus Influenzae B infection.
It contains: Diphtheria toxoid, tetanus toxoid, five components of the bordetella pertussis bacteria, filamentous haemagglutinin (the part of the bacteria which causes infection), pertactin, three types of inactivated polio virus, types 1, 2 and 3, a component of Haemophilus influenzae type B which has been attached to tetanus toxoid to make babies produce more antibodies to it, neomycin, streptomycin, polymyxin B (3 types of antibiotics), formaldehyde, 2-phenoxyethanol (a detergent which is the main ingredient of anti-freeze), aluminium, polysorbate 80 (an emulsifier linked to male infertility), and water. (Sanofi Pasteur vaccine manufacturer's leaflet, December 2007).
Meningitis C
This injection is given along side DTAP/IPV/HIB at 2, 3 and 4 months of age.
It contains: Meningococcal group C bacterium, diphtheria CRM protein, aluminium, sodium chloride and water (as stated in the Meningitec Vaccine data sheet, 1999, Wyeth Vaccines) – they fail to disclose what the vaccine is cultured on, but this is usually some form of animal or human tissue.
Prevnar (Pneumonia):
This contains SEVEN different types of pneumonia, so it's actually a 7-in-1 injection rather than a single vaccine: serotypes 4, 9V, 14, 18C, 19F, 23F and 6B, CRM carrier protein (diphtheria toxoid purified by ammonium sulfate), aluminium.
This injection is given between the ages of 12 and 15 months, and is to vaccinate against three quite mild childhood illnesses, measles, mumps and rubella.
It contains: Live measles virus, mumps virus, rubella virus, sorbitol, sodium phosphate, sucrose, gelatine, human albumin, chick embryos, foetal bovine serum (aborted calf baby), human diploid cell (aborted human baby), neomycin (as stated in MMR 2 manufacturer’s data sheet, Merck, Sharp and Dohme LTD).
Why are there so many chemicals in vaccines?
To start with, a virus or bacteria cannot grow without unclean conditions (much the same as a naturally occurring illness cannot take hold in the body without a diseased condition already being present). To manufacture a vaccine virus, they therefore have to use animal or human tissue and blood products to grow the virus or bacteria on.
They also have to add preservatives (which until recently was thimerosal, a Mercury compound. It is used in the manufacturing process, just not as an actual added ingredient), or something like 2-phenoxyethanol, which is the main ingredient of anti-freeze.
They then have to put in antibiotics, such as neomycin or polymyxin to stop the child getting a vaccine site infection, and to prevent bacteria from spreading round the internal organs (known as vaccinia). This would be a more common problem if antibiotics weren’t routinely added.
As well as this, if the vaccine contains ‘killed’ or inactive viruses, then they will add in a substance to render the virus dead, usually formaldehyde, which is one of the world’s most toxic substances and is carcinogenic. There are also additional PH buffering chemicals, emulsifiers, adsorbers and stabilizers sometimes known as vaccine 'excipients', for example, Octoxynol 9, polysorbate 20 and 80 and Sodium borate.
Finally, they include adjuvants, such as aluminium or other heavy metals. They put in adjuvants to kick the immune system into producing more antibodies.
The child would never produce a readable antibody level to any of the vaccine virus, so they have to put in extremely toxic adjuvants like aluminium so that the antibody response will increase. The child is then thought to be ‘immune’ to the diseases, when in all reality, he or she is probably just reacting to heavy metals.
What side-effects can these chemicals cause?
2-Phenoxyethanol: This is the ingredient that has replaced thimerosal. It can cause systematic poisoning, headache, shock, weakness, convulsions, kidney damage, kidney failure, cardiac failure, death.
The Ethylene Oxide component is a skin irritant also responsible for causing burns, blisters, dermatitis, and eczema conditions (according to vaccine data sheet toxicology notes and Marshall Sittig, Handbook of Toxic and Hazardous Chemicals and Carcinogens, 2nd Ed. (Park Ridge, NJ: Noyes Publications, 1985).
Aluminium: Aluminium is a carcinogen, that is capable of causing cancer. The bureau of Biologics stated that ‘there is little doubt that some of the material containing aluminium as an adjuvant appears to be carcinogenic…’
In animal tests, it caused fibrosarcomas at the injection site. (You can read more about this in Jamie Murphy’s book, ‘What Every Parent Should Know About Immunization’, Earth Healing Products).
Aluminium has also been linked to memory loss, lack of concentration, dementia and other brain injuries.
Formaldehyde: Formaldehyde is a class 1 carcinogen, labelled by the Environmental Protection Agency in the US as a ‘hazardous waste.’
According to Dr. Penny Stanway, famous author of ‘Breast Is Best’ and ‘Green Babies’, ‘sensitivity to formaldehyde has been linked with eye, nose, throat and lung irritation, headaches, depression, memory loss and dizziness. 1 in 5 people exposed to formaldehyde may be affected…’
She goes onto say in a chapter about vaccination, that ‘Parents in a green family come up against a difficult decision, whether to submit their child to affect, the decision comes down to a choice between what is best for your child and what is best for everyone else’s children. From a green point of view, the latter might be the preferred choice.’
Clearly, this shows that even doctors themselves are sometimes unaware of the toxic ingredients in vaccines, they simply administer them.
Neomycin and other antibiotics: These suppress the immune system, leaving the child more susceptible to colds and virus. Some children are also allergic to them. Repeated use of antibiotics can render them ineffective against major illnesses such as meningitis. They have also been linked with the rise in allergies such as asthma and eczema.
Octoxynol 9 contains glycol ether which is toxic and has been directly linked to infertility problems in men. Namely low sperm count, abnormally shaped sperm and sperm with poor motility. Painters and decorators in particular have been warned not to work with paints containing glycol, yet it is happily injected into male babies.
Polysorbate 20 and 80 are detergent type chemicals. After injection they convert into sorbitol and ethylene oxide which is more toxic than the original chemical. It can cause changes in heart function, infections of the blood/brain barrier, seizures and even death.
Polysorbate 80 is also a known infertility agent used by the Population Council of WHO in the development of anti-pregnancy vaccines since the 1960's. See my article on this website here:
Sodium Borate is neuro toxic and not meant for internal use, yet it is used in some vaccines, including the new Gardasil vaccine for cervical cancer. At a cellular level it can cause changes to DNA. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, flushed skin, changes in respiration and pulse, lethargy, seizures, shock, metabolic acidosis, vascular collapse and death. It can also cause mental illness such as depression, mental confusion and hyperactivity. It may be a clue as to why there are so many children with depression and behaviour disorders.
This study, (Gordon AS ; Prichard JS ; Freedman MH
Can. Med. Assoc. J.; VOL 108 ISS Mar 17 1973, P719-721, 724, (REF 6) [IPA]) reported that when 2 infants had their soothers dipped in sodium borate and honey, they developed seizure disorders.
Another study, (Brit. Med. J.; 2(5705), 314, 1970; (REF:11)) cited the case of a baby who died as a result of sodium borate in his disposible nappy/diaper and several other babies who became seriously ill. The British Pediatrics Association called for sodium borate not to be used during infancy, yet it is sometimes in vaccines.
Animal Products and Human Foetal Tissue: Children produce antibodies to ALL elements of the vaccine, not simply the viruses, so children vaccinated with gelatine containing vaccines can sometimes develop allergies to food stuffs containing gelatine. There is also a risk of transmission of BSE and the human form, CJD, if bovine serum is used, and contamination of vaccine with animal diseases (such as Simian Virus 40, found in Polio vaccines). Because they enter the blood stream, they are also capable of permanently altering our DNA.
This is why some vaccinologist’s prefer to use human tissue for vaccines. However, using human foetal tissue also presents problems, as the recipient can then develop antibodies to human tissue, which results in auto-immunity, whereby the person’s body attacks its own nerves and brain cells.
Joanna Karpasea-Jones, mother, author of ‘Vaccination: Everything You Should Know About Your Child’s Jabs and More’, and Founder of VAN UK.
Other pages:
NEW: Protest vCJD and Blood Service Scandal! Houses of Parliament, 4 May, 12 Noon. Updated 10 April 2010.
Vaccines And How They Are Made
The chemicals that go into vaccination - newly updated 26 August 2009
Vaccines and Immune Dysfunction - updated 26 February 2010
The Herd Immunity Theory - updated 20 November 2009
Did Vaccines Really Stop Diseases? A look at history - updated 10 April 2010 with modern day victim of smallpox vaccine
The Use Of Foetal Tissue in Vaccines - newly updated 16 August 2009
Vaccines: A Religious Contention - updated 17 December 2009
Mandating Vaccines or Not? My speech to Nuffield Bio Ethics on the pitfalls of mandating vaccination - includes link to - updated 8 February 2009
5 in 1 vaccine - updated 6 December 2008
Maryamber's Story - and other Cerebral Palsy after Vaccination Cases, updated 13 April 2010
Gardasil and Cervarix - The Cervical Cancer Vaccine - now updated 31 March 2010 - Spain Withdraws Batch Of HPV Vaccine
Gardasil Victim Support And Cases Of Gardasil/Cervarix Damage And Death, updated 10 April 2010
Prevnar and Pneumonia Vaccinations - newly updated 12 January 2010
Travel Vaccines
Tetanus Vaccine - updated 13 May 2009
MMR and Single Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccines and MMRV information - updated 4 April 2010 - NEW COURT RULING SHOWING MMR CAUSED ASD!
Four Babies Killed In Measles Vaccine Campaign - updated 7 April 2010 with more deaths
Shots Cause Autism In Monkeys
Bully Boy Tactics Proposed - includes case of forced vaccination with various vaccines, updated 16 November 2009
Various articles and citations - updated 6 July 2009
Hep B Manufacturer's Information - updated with details of court admitted MS and Death Caused By Hep B Vaccine, updated 4 April 2010
And Other Vaccine Companies/Doctors On Trial For Vaccine Deaths - Updated 10 April 2010, now including Investigations into Swine Flu Scam
A Vaccine Damage Case - updated 30 December 2009 to include my friend's and relatives vaccine damage cases
WARNING! Very Graphic Vaccine Damage Pictures. Don't Look If Easily Upset - updated 20 May 2009
A Place Where You Can Send Your Views On Vaccines And Health - updated 16 December 2009
Your Legal Right To Own Your Own Body - updated 16 August 2009 with new information
Immunising Your Baby With Breast Milk - updated 3 March 2009
Unvaccinated Bundles of Joy! - updated 24 September 2009
The Hospital Birth Experience
My Unassisted Childbirth - Reclaiming My Femininity
My Struggle To Have A Natural Pregnancy With The NHS
My Baby's Unhindered Home Birth
Your Right To Birth Without Violence And Other Home Birth Issues - updated 5 January 2009
And Tips For Easing Pain. Updated 12 July 2009
Caesareans and Breech Births - updated 15 February 2010
What You Should Know If Considering A Vaccination During Pregnancy - updated 7 March 2010 - ALERT: MISCARRIAGES AND STILLBIRTHS AFTER H1N1 VACCINE!!
Photo Diary of Child Friendly Home Schooling - updated 7 August 2009 - PAGE FULL, WILL ADD NEW ONE LATER.
Page two of my children's home schooling - updated 22 December 2009
Updated 7 August 2009
VAN UK'S Founder On 'Other People's Breast Milk' and Comments Regarding The Show
Formula Milk Is NOT As Good As Breast Milk And Is Not A Breast Milk Substitute!
New page completed 17 January 2010
What's Not On The Label
VS. Medical Evidence - updated 23 November 2009
VS. Medical Evidence - NEW page completed on 10th January 2010
The spreading of viruses and bacteria via vaccination. Includes Information on the symptoms and treatment of measles
And The Birth of VAN UK
The Link Between Vaccines And SIDS
Updated 31 March 2010
Updated 30 June 2009.
Couragious Dad Refuses To Allow A Definition Of SIDS On His Son's Death Certificate
And Other DPT Death and Injury Cases - updated 31 December 2009.
A conventional doctor links vaccines with strokes, SIDS, Autism and other illnesses
Updated 13 July 2009 with more deafness and blindness after MMR cases
Citation in the Journal of Allergy And Clinical Immunology and Info on Vaccines and Auto-Immunity - 15th February 2010
With link to Manufacturer's Say Vaccines Cause Autism! - updated 10 April 2010
Medical Information On Who Should Not Have Vaccines - Merck and GP Notebook - updated 6 September 2009
Updated 24 January 2010
Created By Lab Blunder - now recording deaths and injuries from jab - updated 14 April 2010
Ingredients and other information - updated 29 December 2009
What You Should Know About Tamiflu - updated 22 January 2010
A New Study Shows That University Educated Mums Are More Likely To Refuse Vaccines And Other Studies Showing Educated Mothers Refusing Vaccines - updated 12 February 2010
Medical Studies And Reports Showing Vaccines Do Not Immunise - Updated 25 April 2009
The other page was full so I am starting this new page of diseases in vaccinated people - updated 16 April 2010
Kids sicken after DT/IPV Vaccines - and other reactions after vaccination drives, updated 21 March 2010
And other encephalitis after vaccination, updated 17 October 2009
Infant Mortality Rates Fall In Line With Lowering Vaccination Rates - updated 14 January 2010
Suddenly this benign childhood illness has turned into a 'deadly killer' because they are introducing a vaccine - updated 10 April 2010
If You Decide To Vaccinate
How To Make A Claim For Compensation If Your Loved One Is Vaccine Injured - updated 23 March 2009
A Case Study - page created 6 May 2009.
Solicitor/Lawyer Information
These days, doctors and parents have lost the art of actually nursing their child through a normal childhood illness. Here we tell you the symptoms and treatment of measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, rotavirus and whooping cough - updated 13 March 2010
Studies showing childhood diseases reduce autoimmunity
Updated 20 September 2009
Authorities Admitting Concern Over Chemicals Used In Other Products That Are Also Used In Vaccines - updated 27 January 2010
A page dedicated to a little boy who died of an adverse reaction to Hepatitis B vaccine. WARNING: graphic vaccine damage picture
The Dangers of Animal Vaccines - updated 31 March 2010
VAN UK Shop - updated 24 March 2009
Honouring Those Who Have Died From Vaccination - updated 19 March 2010
In Memory of Andy Black - WARNING, GRAPHIC PHOTOS, DON'T LOOK IF EASILY UPSET - updated 20th March 2010
Donate To VAN UK to Keep This Website Running!
About vaccination and it's affects - updated 13 February 2010
Under 18's Page - Know Your Vaccination Rights
Contact Us - updated 26 February 2010
Historical Evidence Against Vaccination and Historical Vaccine Death Cases
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