Q: Can a vaccination cause Death or Autism?

Q: Can a vaccination cause Death or Autism?

A: Yes

Q: How?

A. 1). Many vaccines (and medicines) are incorrectly administered. The person administering the vaccine fails to aspirate the syringe (draw back on the plunger to see if blood flows back into the syringe, indicating they have struck a vein). Because the veins of an infant are small and narrow, they may collapse when the syringe is aspirated, giving a FALSE indication that it is safe to administer the vaccine. As a result, the vaccine or medicine is injected directly into a vein, and circulates throughout the cardiovascular system, infiltrating the brain, intestines, and other organs. The vein may also blow up like a balloon and rupture. This may be marked by a purple area at or near the injection site. The vaccine or medicine now circulates in the blood, causing varying degrees of Hypercoagulability. In more serious cases, the increased fibrin inhibits oxygen and nutrient transport. In a weakened state, a child may succumb to asphyxia, commonly known as sudden infant death syndrome, or SIDS.

2). Even when properly administered, a vaccination can be life threatening if viral, bacterial, or fungal pathogens are already present in the body of the person to be vaccinated, and neurologically disabling if heavy metals such as mercury are present in the body, or injected as an adjuvant in another vaccine, when multiple vaccines are simultaneously administered, or other toxic loads are present.

3). According to Doctor Boyd Haley, professor and Chair of the Chemistry Department at the University of Kentucky, there is a 100 times toxic effect if aluminum and mercury appear at the same time. This means that if you give multiple vaccinations, and one or more contain an aluminum adjuvant, and just one contains a mercury adjuvant (like many vaccines containing an attenuated virus), the toxic effect is the equivalent to giving a 2,500 microgram injection of mercury. If the vaccine recipient already has the smallest trace of mercury in his body, the effect is also 100 times for a single shot of a new vaccine that now contains an aluminum adjuvant, instead of methylmercury.

Dr. Boyd Haley selected 100 rats to use in each of his experiments.

He injected 100 rats with the type of mercury used in vaccines. 1 rat out of 100 died.

He then injected 100 rats with the type of mercury used in vaccines, AND also with the type of aluminum used in the new "mercury free vaccines." 100 out of 100 rats died.

When trace amounts of mercury are already present in the human body from vaccines, eating fish, or amalgam fillings, a "mercury free" vaccine that contains 225 micrograms of aluminum can be debilitating, cause myelin degeneration around nerves, muscle pain, chronic fatigue syndrome, and even death,

- Findings of the VAERS Court, Jan, 2009

4). Patients receiving a vaccination are virtually never asked about or tested for allergic reactions, or questioned about family history ans sensitivity to vaccine ingredients.

5). An estimated 1 in 50 humans suffer from a genetic IRAK4 impeded immune response (deficiency), which results in increased inflammation, plus increased bacterial, viral, and fungal infections. No precautions are being taken to protect the lives of these children when given a vaccine (PART OF THE WATCHDOG USA NETWORK, 2009).

PART OF THE WATCHDOG USA NETWORK. (2009). Death By Vaccination. Retrieved from http://deathbyvaccination.com/

1 comment:

altoids said...

Vaccines can cause deaths by causing food allergies!

There is a new book out "The History of the Peanut Allergy Epidemic" by Heather Fraser.

Heather found out some interesting facts:

The WHO and FDA decided that refined peanut oil is GRAS and does not have to be listed on the package insert of vaccines or other pharmaceutical products.

If you want to know which vaccine contains peanut oil, you are not entitled to know because it is a protected trade secret.

1 in 125 of our vaccinated children have severe peanut allergies - they can go into an anaphylactic shock if they SMELL peanuts.

I want full disclosure of ALL pharmaceutical ingredients. How about you?

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