National Immunization Registry - A Threat to Privacy and Freedom

Since 1993, our government and private foundations have worked with a single-minded focus and clarity of vision to create a National Immunization Registry despite the threats this registry poses to our privacy and freedom. This has been done behind closed doors with the input of the industries that stand to gain tremendous financial rewards and without the input of the citizens they plan to track.

It is very clear from reviewing CDC documentation on the National Immunization Registry Plan, that U.S. government agencies and officials are ostensibly using public health to create a massive networked computer database to create a national surveillance and enforcement system. This system will monitor, intimidate, harass, and punish conscientious parents, their children, and their health care providers if they do not conform with every government recommended vaccination health care policy. We are requesting that our elected government officials, the National Vaccine Advisory Committee, and the National Immunization Program put a stop to this National Immunization Registry Plan.

High quality public health is a goal that we all share, however, a national vaccination surveillance, monitoring and enforcement system orchestrated by the federal government is not an acceptable means to that end.

PROVE's Statement Against a National Immunization Registry
NVIC - Tracking Systems & Privacy
The Texas Example of Immunization Registry Abuses
View the CDC's "National Immunization Registry Clearinghouse" Site

Other Coverage
Houston Chronicle - National registry would invade our children's privacy (New)
Insight Magazine - 
Is a nationwide network for immunization records a good idea?
Lone Star Citizen - 
Health or Privacy: State's New Tracking System Stirs Debate
Free Congress - 
Tracking Your Children Down: State and Federal Immunization Registries
WORLD Magazine - 
A shot in the arm?

National Immunization Registry - A Threat to Privacy and Freedom, 2009 ,

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